You are Loved

Sunday (February 11, 2024) was an important message for believers. Without any previous communication, both Pastor Gean and our music director felt it in their hearts to express the love our Father has for us and our love for our Father in return. Every believer should know that they are loved. Our Father loved us so much that He gave us the most precious thing He could – Himself (expressed in the verse that every beleiver should know by heart – John 3:16).

Pastor Gean implored us not to be God’s deadend. We must let God’s love flow through us. We must each be a beacon of light in this otherwise dark world. This lesson tied in perfectly with Friday’s lesson, taught by Pastor Benjamin, “Father Consciousness.” Our father loves us. You should know that you are loved. Don’t just think that God loves you. Thoughts are fleeting and frequently waiver. But when you know something is true it is with you always regardless of your mood or circumstance. You must know that God loves you. Better yet, Know that you know that you are loved by God.

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