Looking back on tonight’s (Friday 1/26/2024 Bible Study) lesson, I think the most important message we learned was that we all have the same identity in Christ (we were given several verses to show this, such as 2Co 4:13 and 2Pe 1:1 – which is a great example of what I have been saying: a lot of words in the Bible don’t translate to English well; this verse talks about precious faith; if you take it at face value you will think that Peter meant that the faith we have is to be greatly valued, which is most definitely true, but this is not what he meant. We delved into the Greek meaning of the word “precious” and to sum it up, it really means common – in that we all have a common faith); no believer has a different identity than any other believer. Put another way, we all have the same influence of the spirit. It might appear to you that someone has more faith than another. But this just is not true. They may have more knowledge of what they have, and therefore know how to use what they have, but they are not in anymore possesion of faith than any other believer. You have the same power in you, as a believer, that Peter had! And that’s an amazing thing! Peter was able to overcome many very difficult trials -> which means you can too! You need to be concious of the amount of Grace that you have received through God, through the power of the blood that was sacrificed for you.
Something else that the Pastor pointed out is that we are all born from the same father. The Bible doesn’t call us grand children or great grandchildren, rather we are all sons and daughters of God. We all have the same thing given to us. A believer should know that their identity is found in Christ, and they should know his/her identity. You must be concious of what you have and you should know how to use it. Our identity comes with power, but if you don’t understand that power, then it is just wasted and will go unrealized and unused.
I think the third important takeaway from tonight’s lesson is that we can only be productive when we speak. It does no good to think that your mountains will move. You can’t think that they will just go away. You must tell them, tell the mountains to move – no! Command them! You must speak to your mountains, shout at them even, but command them to get out of your way. As we were taught last Sunday, you were given authority. Use it. Take command of what you have been given.
Join us Sunday when we will continue this topic on a Believer’s Identity. It is important to not only understand what you have through Christ, but how to utilize it! Tell the serpent to get behind you – you have authority through your identity – don’t let it go to waste!
Always remember we are blessed! The weather can’t take that away; sickness can’t take that away; and certaintly the devil can’t take that away! We are children of God, not grand children nor great grandchildren, which means we have a direct connection with our Father. Jehovah-Jireh, what a great provider indeed! Jehovah-Rapha, the greatest physician of all. He is a chain breaker and a way-maker. And He has given you authority! Understand who you are in Christ and take hold of that authority and command those mountains to get out of your way! Command the enemy to get behind you! I hope to see you Sunday!