Looking Ahead: My take on Understanding a “Believer’s Identity” (by Martin)

Today (Jan 21, 2024) we began a new topic entitled a “Believer’s Identity.” The topic was opened by discussing the importance of knowing who we are in Christ Jesus.

If you know who you are, the devil, aka the serpent, will not be able to decieve you. If you are going to fight off the attacks of the devil, you must understand your identity. We were given an example of this as seen in Acts 16 verses 15-18. In these verses we learn how Paul was able to order a spirit to leave an afflicted woman. He was able to command the spirit to leave because he knew his identity. In other words, he knew who he was in Christ. Mark 16:17 tells us that we, as children of God, have the ability to cast out demons.

Another important thing we covered today is the spirit of fear. If you are afraid/fearful of something, that is the enemy creeping into your life. Fear is the work of the devil, it is a spirit, and it does not come from God (see 2 Timothy 1:7). We learned that any type of fear is the presence of evil in your life. You need to grasp hold of your identity and cast out the demon that is afflicting you. Tell the devil to get behind you!

We also discussed that our identity in Christ does not come from what we do, rather it comes from what Christ did for us. You have authority over the devil because of who you are, because of your identity. When wrong thoughts keep entering your mind, these too come from the devil, aka the enemy or the serpent. You need to tell yourself that you have authority over the devil, you have authority over evil. You need to tell the devil “get out of my head, you have no right to be here! Christ has given me authority, through His blood, to cast you out!” Always remind yourself that Satan has no authority over your mind, he has no authority over your body, he has no authority over your life, nor your family (reference Luke 10:17-20). Jesus has given you authority, through His sacrifice, through what He has done for you. Use your authority to cast the serpents out of your life and out of the life of your family.

You need to write this down, and put it where you will see it daily: “The believer’s identity is only found in Christ Jesus” – you won’t find it anywhere else.

The last thought I’d like to leave you with is something else we learned today. If you don’t have an understanding of God, you can’t know who you are. The reason people have identity crisis is because they don’t know God. The first step of understanding your identify, of understanding who you are as a believer, is getting to know God.

Join us next week, (preferably in person – but if you are unable to be with us physically, watch our broadcast on Facebook or the recording once it is available on YouTube) as we delve deeper into our “Believer’s Identity” and gain a better understanding of who we are through Christ Jesus, who we are as children of God.

We ended our discussion today with this declaration. Write it down, shout it out, use it if you start to feel defeated, use it when you realize the victory we have through Christ:

I’m a child of God!
I have victory
… over sickness
… over the works of darkness
In the Name of Jesus! I have victory
… over every works of darkness
I have soundness of mind!
In the Name of Jesus! The devil has no authority
… over my mind
… over my health
… over my family
In the Name of Jesus! I walk in victory
In the Name of Jesus! Depression has no authority
… over my life
… over my home
… over my family
because I know who I am in Christ!
Thank you Heavenly Father!

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