Our leadership team publishes a weekly message in our Telegram chat (https://t.me/theRedemptive) discussing what occurred in our gatherings on last Sunday and what to be prepared for for the upcoming Sunday

You are Loved

Sunday (February 11, 2024) was an important message for believers. Without any previous communication, both Pastor Gean and our music director felt it in their hearts to express the love…

Continue ReadingYou are Loved

Maybe theses posts should have been called Looking Back. But then again, every day we are born anew, every day we are new creatures through that which has been given to us, so we should always be looking ahead, and letting go of the past. But with that said….

Looking back on tonight's (Friday 1/26/2024 Bible Study) lesson, I think the most important message we learned was that we all have the same identity in Christ (we were given…

Continue ReadingMaybe theses posts should have been called Looking Back. But then again, every day we are born anew, every day we are new creatures through that which has been given to us, so we should always be looking ahead, and letting go of the past. But with that said….