The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” Jas 5:16b Amplified Bible
Believers must never shy away from fighting ,contending with, and for victory .
Victory is enforced through prayer!
It’s one of God’s mighty gifts in the resurrection of Jesus
It’s one of the privileges of our brotherhood in Christ
By it, we minister the supply of the Spirit and turn situations around
The Apostles counted on and requested it
By such prayer, we are able to strengthen the weak and heal those who are sick
Men are granted staying power in the will of God
It’ss a means of rescuing many from destruction
Apostle Peter was delivered from untimely death through it
It facilitates the plans and purposes of God in the earth
No one who is set to do much for God can go far without this precious gift
We are to covet this gift
The prayer of the saints is heaven’s logistic system by which God gets things done
It is part of what every joint supplies as the effectual working of God present as a measure in every part
May this gift perfume all your experiences this year
Join us this Sunday for a time of refreshing in His word!