Continuing Our Discussion on Spiritual Growth

Continuing Our Discussion on Spiritual Growth

Last Sunday, we continued our discussion on Spiritual Growth. We discussed how it is not in the learning of new things outside of the scriptures that helps us grow. Rather it is having a better understanding of what is in the Scriptures. It is not only okay to hear (and read) the same things written in the Bible many times, but it is actually important to do so for our continued spiritual growth. If we don’t continue to grow, we will grow stale and fail to prosper. Paul tells us in Php 3:1 that it is not only important, but it is a safeguard.

We also discussed that we cannot grow if we dwell on the past. We have to let go of who we were and focus on who we are. God doesn’t dwell on our past (Heb 10:17) and neither should we. We need to hold fast to our faith (Heb 10:23) and know that we are saved. One example was shown to us in 2Co 7:2 where Paul states that they have wronged no man. Does this mean he was ignoring the fact that he put many people in jail? Not at all. God had forgiven him for the things he had done in the past, and Paul was referring to the lives they had been living as the new creatures they had become through Christ.

This Sunday we will be continuing our discussion on Spiritual Growth, and the conciousness that enables it. Please consider reading ahead to be prepared to ask questions and join in the discussions. We will be discussing Phm 1:6 and 2Pe 1:9 (which will be an extension of what we discussed last week). We will also cover 2Pe 1:5-7 and how Paul conveyed this message to the churches (2Co 9:10, Gal 3:5, and Col 2:19).

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